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Microsoft Excel Reporting Tools

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool in any accounting department.  At Jordem Inc., we develop many spreadsheets for internal use in order to improve productivity as well as client reporting.


From time to time we make some of those spreadsheets available to you for your own use.

Mileage Tracker


Keeping an automobile log is very important if you are being reimbursed for mileage or have to track personal use of a company vehicle.  This file is simple and allows you to enter a date, description of where you went as well as start and finish odometer reading.  Based on start and finsh odometer readings, it will indicate what your buisness useage is on an up-to-date basis. 

2014 PIER


Each year, CRA checks the calculation of Canada Pension Plan contributions and employment insurance earnings reported on your employees' T4s. This is called a Pensionable and Insurable Earnings Review. We recommend that employers conduct their own PIER before completing the final source deduction remittance for the calendar year.


This application incorporates CRA's recommended calculations and includes formulas to do the work for you. You should note that there is a small macro in the app to reset values.

Disclaimer - Jordem Inc. makes every attempt to ensure that formulas are correct and spreadsheet are funtioning properly. However Jordem Inc. takes no responsility for files downloaded from this site.

© Jordem Inc. 2022

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